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About the Lab

The United States and its allies depend on Los Alamos National Laboratory's contributions to nuclear deterrence and national security through innovation in research and development.

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) was established in 1943 to conduct scientific research for the Manhattan Project, an allied effort that developed the world’s first atomic weapons.

Located about 35 miles northwest of Santa Fe, LANL is a multi-program, federally funded research and development center for the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). LANL's priority roles are serving as a nuclear weapons design agency and a nuclear weapons production agency; addressing nuclear threats; and performing national security science, technology, and engineering.

Human Capital

12,974Full-Time Equivalent Employees (FTEs)
33Joint Faculty Appointments
548Postdoctoral Students
850Undergraduate Students
650Graduate Students
1,000Facility Users
686Visiting Scientists

FY24 Funding

F Y24 Funding Chart

Code of Conduct

Helping employees recognize and resolve the ethics and compliance issues that may arise in their daily work.